2 Of The 10 College Opportunities That Go Beyond The Classroom

Sharing 2 of the 10 College Opportunities Beyond The Classroom That Benefit Your Student. Credit College Admissions 101 -Robert Franek
1. ProjectsProjects are extended problem-solving activities that students can complete solo or in collaboration with a group, like composing a piece of music, writing a business plan, or designing a prototype. Real campus example: At Arizona State University, the Arts Venture Incubator helps students secure training, seed-funding, and one-on- one coaching to develop creative ventures for artists.
2. Cooperative EducationStudents alternate paid professional experiences with coursework. They take classes for one semester, work full-time for one semester in their co-op, and repeat.Real campus example: Northeastern University puts students in 11,000 co-op placements last year!

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