YCI’s Employee Services

Platinum Program – Full-Service College & Financial Aid Counseling (please call for details and a quote)

The Platinum Program is the ‘full-enchilada’ of college readiness programs. There are no limits on meetings (all meetings are conducted via Zoom) and services at this level cover all college readiness and financial aid concerns (SAT/ACT/AP/IB test preparation excepted). Unlimited college search, selection, full essay editing, extracurricular development and summer planning, application bootcamps, and unlimited support from our staff are all part of the Platinum Program. This program is meant for the family that doesn’t understand the options and/or how the application and financial aid systems work, or don’t have the time or energy to learn them the right way and want help across the board.

Gold Program – Full-Service College Counseling (please call for details and a quote)

The Gold Program is the same thing as the Platinum Program minus one key component: financial aid. If you feel comfortable with the planning and completion of financial aid forms (FAFSA and/or CSS Profile), the issues of reading and interpreting the financial aid offers, and negotiating financial aid appeals where necessary, or if you are in that place where you make too much to qualify for any need-based aid, but not enough to be a potential ‘donor family’ – but still want the unlimited features of college planning and selection, this is the program for you.

Silver Program – Full-Service Financial Aid Service & Paperwork Completion (retail price: $1,250.00, please call for details and a member quote)

The Silver Program is for the family that has the college search, selection, and application processes down pat, but have concerns about the financial aid opportunities they can avail themselves of. This program covers financial aid planning, financial aid award analysis, completion of financial aid forms, guidance on special circumstance/professional judgment letters and appeals of financial aid awards.

Binder Program – Limited-Service College Counseling & Readiness (retail price: $1,250.00, please call for details and a member quote)

The ‘Binder’ Program provides families looking for semi-comprehensive college counseling services with a discounted program that hits on all of the key areas of planning. Purchasers of the ‘Binder’ Program will receive the following items: two meetings with a PCG counselor (via Zoom), along with a battery of interest survey and college search forms, which are used to create an individually-crafted preliminary college list. That list is paired with a college binder with information covering approximately 20 key areas of knowledge needed about the college readiness process, from course selection to standardized testing, to essay writing, extracurricular development and much more. Students will also receive two hours of college application essay editing services, specifically targeting grammar, syntax, word choice, and most importantly, the thematic elements of their essays. Access to two application bootcamps (via Zoom) will also be provided to enrolled students.  One is specifically for the Common Application and the second is for students interested in applying to the University of California.  Finally, Binder Program students are asked to submit their final college lists on or before September 1st of their senior year, where those lists will be updated with current odds of admission, the appropriate applications and submission deadlines, specific to an individual student, along with a suggested order of operations, to optimize both their sanity and chances for admission success.

A-la-carte College List Builder ($300.00 for members only)

Just as it suggests, this is an a-la-carte item, so families purchasing the college list builder will receive a college search form (with specific instructions) and upon submitting it back to YCI, will receive a customized preliminary college list, based on the requests of the student, within one week of the form being received by our office. There will be a Zoom meeting set up to explain the results of the college search and the next logical steps on how to properly investigate those schools in a meaningful way.

A-la-carte College Application Essay Editing – 2-hour minimum ($200.00 for members only)

Again, as the title suggests, this is an a-la-carte essay editing program. Purchasers of this program will receive professional college application essay editing services on an hourly basis (a two-hour purchase is required to start the program – you may add an additional hour if need be, at $100.00/hour). Editors will specifically target grammar, syntax, word choice, and most importantly, thematic elements, to highlight how students can improve their messaging and technical writing abilities to make clear their abilities and goals to the colleges and universities they wish to attend.

For questions about any of the programs listed above, or to get your company’s employee benefit program started, please contact Rob Schwartz at (818)359-3779 or via email at rob@premiercollegeguide.com for a prompt reply.